首页> 外文期刊>Comparative Studies in Society and History >Lisa Wedeen, Peripheral Visions: Publics, Power, and Performance in Yemen.Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 2008.

Lisa Wedeen, Peripheral Visions: Publics, Power, and Performance in Yemen.Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 2008.

机译:Lisa Wedeen,《外围视野:也门的公众,权力和表现》,芝加哥和伦敦:芝加哥大学出版社,2008年。

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Peripheral Visions is based on Wedeen’s eighteen months of field research innYemen spanning a period of great political and economic change starting innthe early 1990s, and on close examination of the substantial literature specialis-ning in this diverse and fascinating country. Wedeen is interested in the continu-nous processes by which collective national and religious identities are shapednby the everyday practices and ritualized “performances” and discourses ofnboth citizens and leaders in a constantly changing regional and internationalnenvironment. Republican Yemen is a particularly interesting focus for such anstudy; it is a relatively new nation-state born after a revolution in the 1960snagainst the theocratic Zaydi-Shi’ite imamate, which only achieved its presentngeographical extent as the “Republic of Yemen” after unification between thennorthern Yemen Arab Republic and southern People’s Democratic Republicnof Yemen in 1990. The same ruler, President `Alin`Abdullah Salih, has heldnpower for over three decades. But despite this remarkable political survival
机译:《外围视野》基于Wedeen在也门开展的长达18个月的现场研究,涵盖了从1990年代初开始的一段巨大的政治和经济变革时期,并仔细研究了这个多元化而迷人的国家的大量文学专业知识。韦德恩对不断变化的过程感兴趣,在不断变化的区域和国际环境中,日常活动和仪式化的“表演”以及公民和领导人的话语塑造了集体的民族和宗教身份。共和党也门对这种研究特别感兴趣。这是一个相对较新的民族国家,它是在1960年代的革命之后诞生的,反对神权的Zaydi-Shi'ite imamate,在后来的也门北部阿拉伯共和国和南部的人民民主共和国之间实现统一之后,才达到现今的地理地位,即“也门共和国”在1990年。同一位统治者总统阿林·阿卜杜拉·萨利赫(Alin`Abdullah Salih)掌权了三十多年。尽管有如此出色的政治生存能力



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