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Parallelprogramming with transactional memory


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With the speed of Individual cores no longer Increasing at the rate we came to love over the past decades, programmers have to look for other ways to increase the speed of our ever-more-complicated applications. The functionality provided by the CPU manufacturers is an increased number of execution units, or CPU cores. To use these extra, cores, programs must be parallelized. Multiple paths of execution have to work together.to complete the tasks the program has to perform, and as much of that work as possible has to happen concurrently. Only then is it possible to speed up the program (that is, reduce the total runtime), Amdahl's Law expresses this as: Here P is the fraction of the program that can be parallelized, and S is the number of execution units. This is the theory. Making it a reality is another issue. Simply writing a normal program by itself is a problem, as can be seen in the relentless stream of bug fixes available for programs. Trying to split a program into multiple pieces that can be executed in parallel adds a whole dimension of additional problems: 1. Unless the program consists of multiple independent pieces from the onset and should have been written as separate programs in the first place, the individual pieces have to collaborate. This usually takes on the form of sharing data in memory or on secondary storage.
机译:在过去的几十年中,随着各个内核的速度不再以我们喜欢的速度增长,程序员不得不寻找其他方法来提高我们日益复杂的应用程序的速度。 CPU制造商提供的功能是执行单元或CPU内核数量的增加。要使用这些额外的核心,程序必须并行化。执行的多个路径必须协同工作以完成程序必须执行的任务,并且尽可能多的工作必须同时进行。只有这样才能加速程序(即减少总运行时间),阿姆达尔定律表示为:这里P是程序可以并行化的部分,而S是执行单元的数量。这是理论。使其成为现实是另一个问题。简单地编写一个普通程序本身就是一个问题,可以从无休止的程序漏洞修复中看出。试图将一个程序拆分为多个可以并行执行的程序会增加其他问题的整体范围:1.除非程序从一开始就由多个独立的程序组成,并且应该首先作为单独的程序编写,否则件必须协作。这通常采取共享内存或辅助存储中数据的形式。



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