首页> 外文期刊>Communications Surveys & Tutorials, IEEE >Towards Efficient Wireless Video Sensor Networks: A Survey of Existing Node Architectures and Proposal for A Flexi-WVSNP Design

Towards Efficient Wireless Video Sensor Networks: A Survey of Existing Node Architectures and Proposal for A Flexi-WVSNP Design


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The video capture, processing, and communication in wireless video sensor networks critically depend on the resources of the nodes forming the sensor networks. We provide a survey of wireless video sensor node platforms (WVSNPs). From a comprehensive literature review, we first select the node architectures that meet basic requirements for a WVSNP. We then introduce a classification of WVSNPs into general purpose architectures, heavily coupled architectures, and externally dependent architectures. We thoroughly survey and contrast the existing WVSNPs within this classification framework. Based on the insights from our survey we develop a novel Flexi-WVSNP design. The Flexi-WVSNP design includes dual-radio communication, a middleware for sensor operation and communication control, as well as a cohesive hardware and software design.
机译:无线视频传感器网络中的视频捕获,处理和通信严重依赖于形成传感器网络的节点的资源。我们提供了无线视频传感器节点平台(WVSNP)的调查。通过全面的文献综述,我们首先选择满足WVSNP基本要求的节点体系结构。然后,我们将WVSNP的分类引入通用体系结构,高度耦合的体系结构和外部依赖的体系结构中。我们在此分类框架内彻底调查和对比了现有的WVSNP。基于我们调查的见解,我们开发了新颖的Flexi-WVSNP设计。 Flexi-WVSNP设计包括双无线电通信,用于传感器操作和通信控制的中间件,以及紧密结合的硬件和软件设计。



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