首页> 外文期刊>IEEE communications letters >Fast adaptive arithmetic code for large alphabet sources with asymmetrical distributions

Fast adaptive arithmetic code for large alphabet sources with asymmetrical distributions


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We address the problem of constructing an adaptive arithmetic code in the case where the source alphabet is large and there are lots of different symbols with equal counts of occurrence. For an alphabet of N symbols and r distinct symbol weights we describe a code for which the number of operations needed for encoding and decoding is equal to clogr+c/sub 1/ instead of clogN+c/sub 2/ as in previous arithmetic codes, c, c/sub 1/, c/sub 2/ are constants. When r is small relative to N-which is the case for most practical coding problems on large alphabets-the encoding and decoding speed of the suggested code will be substantially greater than with known methods.
机译:我们解决了在源字母很大且存在许多具有相等出现次数的不同符号的情况下构造自适应算术代码的问题。对于由N个符号和r个不同的符号权重组成的字母,我们描述了一个代码,该代码的编码和解码所需操作数等于clogr + c / sub 1 /,而不是以前的算术代码中的clogN + c / sub 2 / ,c,c / sub 1 /,c / sub 2 /是常数。当r相对于N较小时(这是大字母上大多数实际编码问题的情况),建议代码的编码和解码速度将比已知方法大得多。



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