首页> 外文期刊>Mitteilungen aus Lebensmitteluntersuchung und Hygiene >Kontamination von Honig mit Sulfathiazol durch Raeuberei unter Bienen

Kontamination von Honig mit Sulfathiazol durch Raeuberei unter Bienen


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The official food control authority of AR, AI, GL and SH has found residues of the antibacterial drug sulfathiazole in honey samples of two bee-keepers from the same area. Subsequently, honey samples in all twenty apiaries in this area were taken and analysed. Sulfathiazole was detected in honey samples from ten out of the twenty examined apiaries. The source of the contaminations was located in three apiaries belonging to the same bee-keeper. The highest measured concentration was 45 mg/kg honey, which surpasses the Swiss maximum residue level by a factor of 900. The bees must have carried the contaminated honey from these three apiaries into seven neighbouring ones. Consequently, several measures have been disposed, including destruction of honeycombs. The examination of honeys harvested during the next bee season showed a significant improvement, since small amounts were detected in only one honey sample. The damage caused by the illegal application of sulfathiazole is estimated to be several 10000 Swiss francs.
机译:AR,AI,GL和SH的官方食品控制机构在同一地区的两名养蜂人的蜂蜜样品中发现了抗菌药物磺胺噻唑的残留物。随后,采集并分析了该地区所有二十个蜂房的蜂蜜样品。在二十个被检查的蜂房中,有十个在蜂蜜样品中检出了磺胺噻唑。污染源位于同一个养蜂人的三个养蜂场中。最高测量浓度为45 mg / kg蜂蜜,比瑞士的最高残留量高出900倍。蜜蜂必须将这三种蜜蜂的污染蜂蜜带入七个相邻的蜜蜂中。因此,已经采取了一些措施,包括破坏蜂窝。由于只在一个蜂蜜样品中检测到少量蜂蜜,因此对下一个蜜蜂季节收获的蜂蜜的检查显示出显着改善。非法施用磺胺噻唑造成的损失估计为数万瑞士法郎。



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