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Yarn Artists Say, Bring On the Beads


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If there's one thing that defines today's needlework customer, it's the willingness to experiment with different mediums. "No one is just a knitter or a crocheter anymore," says Jennifer Hansen, founder of Stitch Diva Studios. "They're moving on and exploring different things." One of those "things" needleworkers are moving on to is beading. Whether they're pre-strung on the yarn, slipped in between stitches, or sewn on to a finished piece, designers and crafters alike are coming up with innovative ways of blending beads and yarn. "Anything and everything with beads is big with our customers," says Mona Rummel of Soft Horizons in Eugene, Oregon.
机译:如果有一件事定义了当今的针线活客户,那就是愿意尝试不同的媒介。 Stitch Diva Studios的创始人詹妮弗·汉森(Jennifer Hansen)说:“再也没有人只是编织者或钩针编织者了。 “他们正在继续探索不同的事物。”针线工正在走向的那些“事物”之一就是珠饰。无论是将它们预先缠绕在纱线上,在针迹之间插入还是缝制在成品上,设计师和手工艺人员都在想出将珠子和纱线混合的创新方法。俄勒冈州尤金(Eugene)的Soft Horizo​​ns的莫娜·鲁梅尔(Mona Rummel)说:“我们的客户对任何带有珠子的东西都感到满意。



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