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Outcome Rating Scale and Session Rating Scale in psychological practice: Clinical utility of ultra-brief measures


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The validity and reliability of the Outcome Rating Scale (ORS) and the Session Rating Scale (SRS) were evaluated against existing longer measures, including the Outcome Questionnaire-45, Working Alliance Inventory, Depression Anxiety Stress Scale-21, Quality of Life Scale, Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale and General Self-efficacy Scale. The measures were administered to patients referred for psychological services to a rural primary health-care service. Participants were recruited from both current and new patients of psychologists providing the service. Both the ORS and SRS demonstrated good reliability and concurrent validity with their longer alternatives. The ORS also evidenced significant correlations with measures of self-esteem, self-efficacy, and quality of life. The ORS and SRS offer benefits such as cost-effectiveness, brevity, simple administration, and easy interpretation of results in the measurement of clinical outcomes when compared to their longer counterparts. These results provide clear support for the adoption of brief outcome assessment measures in psychological practice.
机译:评估了结果评分量表(ORS)和会话评分量表(SRS)的有效性和可靠性,其中包括结果问卷45,工作联盟清单,抑郁焦虑压力量表21,生活质量量表,罗森伯格自尊量表和一般自我效能感量表。该措施是针对转诊给农村初级卫生保健服务的患者实施的。参与者是从提供此服务的当前和新的心理学家患者中招募的。 ORS和SRS都具有较长的替代方案,显示出良好的可靠性和并行性。 ORS还证明了与自尊,自我效能感和生活质量的度量之间存在显着相关性。与较长的同类产品相比,ORS和SRS具有诸如成本效益,简洁,易于管理以及在临床结果测量中易于解释结果等优点。这些结果为在心理实践中采用简短的结果评估措施提供了明确的支持。



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