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The historical Latin and etymology of selected anatomical terms of the larynx


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The etymological evolution of the anatomical terms larynx, cricoid, glottis, epiglottis, and thyroid (cartilage) dates to antiquity. Human dissection replaced animal in the 16th and 17th centuries and terms evolved. This evolution was recorded in the literature largely in Latin. We translated key studies of laryngeal anatomy from the 16th century to better understand this evolution. We present the Latin with our translations, and historical commentary as essential to this understanding. Vesalius favored the Latin scutiform (shield) for the thyroid cartilage, but recognized peltalis (shield). The Basle Nomina Anatomica (BNA) chose the Greek thyroid (θυρεoειδ ) for modern convention. Vesalius used the name “innominate” for the cricoid cartilage, but described its resemblance to a ring, drawn in the margin of the Fabrica. Krikoid, the Greek for ring shaped, was adopted by the BNA. Although the term arytenoid was used for centuries, Vesalius argued the Greek name referred to the spout of a cup or ladle. He recognized the human arytenoids as two separate cartilages as opposed to single in certain animals. The glottis was defined by Vesalius as the vocal fold or rima glottidis of today, and he advanced its function by understanding the paired, mobile arytenoid cartilages. He defined the function of the epiglottis and first described the pre-epiglottic space. Vesalius' student at Padua, Italy, Columbo contributed to anatomical knowledge, but animosity between them clouded the record. Harvey, working 75 years later in England, offers an evolutionary window from Vesalius. Harvey's laryngeal studies preceded by a decade his groundbreaking studies on the circulation of blood. Clin. Anat. 23:131–144, 2010. ? 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
机译:解剖学术语喉,环状,声门,会厌和甲状腺(软骨)的词源演变可追溯到上古。在16和17世纪,人类解剖取代了动物,并且进化出术语。这种演变在文献中主要以拉丁语记录。我们翻译了16世纪的喉解剖学关键研究,以更好地理解这种演变。我们向拉丁文提供我们的翻译和历史评论,这对于这种理解至关重要。维萨留斯(Vesalius)偏爱拉丁甲状shield(盾)来治疗甲状腺软骨,但认可骨膜(盾)。 Basle Nomina Anatomica(BNA)选择了希腊甲状腺(θυρεoειδ)作为现代惯例。维萨留斯(Vesalius)为环形软骨使用了“无名”这个名字,但描述它类似于在Fabrica边缘绘制的一个环。 BNA采用了Krikoid(希腊语为环形)。尽管术语“ tentenoid”已经使用了多个世纪,但Vesalius认为希腊名称是指杯子或钢包的嘴。他认识到人类的类胡萝卜素是两个单独的软骨,而不是某些动物中的单个。声门被维萨留斯(Vesalius)定义为当今的声带或rima glottidis,他通过了解配对的活动性类软骨软骨来增强声门的功能。他定义了会厌的功能,并首先描述了会厌前的空间。维萨留斯(Vesalius)在意大利帕多瓦(Padua)的学生哥伦布(Columbo)为解剖学知识做出了贡献,但他们之间的敌意使这一记录蒙上了一层阴影。 75年后在英国工作的哈维(Harvey)提供了维萨留斯(Vesalius)的进化之窗。在Harvey的喉咙研究之前,他从事血液循环方面的开创性研究已有十年。临床阿纳特23:131–144,2010年。 2010 Wiley-Liss,Inc.



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