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How does a social practice perspective add to the development of policy instruments to reduce consumption-based CO_2 emissions? A case study of Austria


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While current policies aiming at a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions seem to be successful from the territorial perspective of industrialized countries, emissions are still increasing at the global level. The term weak carbon leakage describes a situation where an increase in consumption in developed countries leads to growing emissions in less developed countries. This effect is strongly related to phenomena like globalization and outsourcing of production. As a consequence, a large part of daily consumed products are imported and include embodied emissions (i.e. direct and indirect emissions that occur in the regions of production). For the development of effective policy instruments addressing consumption-based-emissions (CBE) embodied in these international products and processes, it is essential to apply a consumption-based approach (CBA), including both consumer-oriented policies, focusing on final demand, and producer-oriented policies, focusing on industry. Since a considerable share of consumption behaviour is performed by routines, habits and within social practices (cooking, working or shopping), CBE due to consumer behaviour are analysed in this paper by applying the social practices (SP) approach to the case of Austria. Based on this approach the development of effective policy instruments addressing a reduction of CBE by three types of interventions (re-crafting, substituting and interlocking) are discussed for the main hotspots of Austria's CBE: construction and mobility. Key policy insightsAn SP perspective enriches the development of CBE policy instruments by shifting the focus of interventions from individual motivations (conscious consumption) towards the constitutional frame and the particular practice-setting which determines consumer behaviour. Consumption sectors such as construction and mobility are most often embedded in behavioural interlocking (e.g. commuting), calling for practical policy mixes to address this complex interplay of practices. The SP approach demonstrates that CBE can be addressed also by single instruments (e.g. changing a regulation, favouring the avoidance of certain practices or materials offered/used) only.
机译:虽然目前旨在减少温室气体排放的政策似乎是从工业化国家的领土视角取得成功,但在全球层面仍然增加排放量。弱碳泄漏术语描述了发达国家消费量导致越来越多的发达国家的减排的情况。这种效果与全球化和生产外包等现象强烈相关。因此,日常消耗产品的大部分是进口的,包括所体现的排放(即生产区域中发生的直接和间接排放)。为了开发解决这些国际产品和流程中的基于消费的减排(CBE)的有效政策工具,必须应用基于消费的方法(CBA),包括消费者为导向的政策,重点是最终需求,和生产者为导向的政策,专注于行业。由于常规,习惯和社会实践(烹饪,工作或购物中的习惯和社会实践中的相当大的消费行为份额,因此通过将社会实践(SP)方法应用于奥地利的情况,在本文中分析了CBE。根据这种方法,制定奥地利CBE的主要热点(Re-Frafting,代入和联锁)减少CBE减少CBE的有效政策工具的发展:建筑和流动性。关键政策Insightsan SP透视通过将干预措施(意识消费)的焦点转向宪法框架和决定消费者行为的特定实践 - 确定来丰富CBE政策工具的发展。建筑和移动性等消费部门最常见于行为联锁(例如通勤),呼吁实际的政策混合来解决这种复杂的实践相互作用。 SP方法表明CBE也可以由单仪器解决(例如,改变规则,仅避免避免提供/使用的某些实践或材料)。



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