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Targeted procurement A means by which socio-economic objectives can be realized through engineering and construction works contracts


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Targeted procurement in a practical, pragmatic and measurable manner ena-bles government to achieve certain socio-economic objectives, as set out in the Reconstruction and Development Programme, through engineering and construction works contracts. It enables organs of state to opera tionalizc policies in a targeted, transparent, visible and measurable manner when engaging in economic activity with the private sector, without compromising principles such as fairness, transparency, competition, cost-efficiency and equitability. The paper sets out what targeted procurement is, how it works and the range of socio-economic objectives it can achieve in the South African context Case studies of its application by the national Public Works Department and the Southern Metropolitan Local Council (Johannesburg) are presented.
机译:以务实,务实和可衡量的方式进行有针对性的采购,使政府能够通过工程和建筑工程合同实现《重建与发展方案》规定的某些社会经济目标。它使国家机关在与私营部门进行经济活动时能够有针对性,透明,可见和可衡量的方式执行国家政策,而不会损害诸如公平,透明,竞争,成本效益和公平性等原则。该文件阐述了目标采购是什么,其工作方式以及在南非范围内可以实现的社会经济目标的范围,并介绍了由国家公共工程部和南部城市地方委员会(约翰内斯堡)实施的案例研究。 。



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