首页> 外文期刊>Church History >The Impact of the European Reformation: Princes, Clergy, and People. Edited by Bridget Heal and Ole Peter Grell. St. Andrews Studies in Reformation History. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008. xii+305 pp. $124.95 cloth.

The Impact of the European Reformation: Princes, Clergy, and People. Edited by Bridget Heal and Ole Peter Grell. St. Andrews Studies in Reformation History. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008. xii+305 pp. $124.95 cloth.

机译:欧洲改革的影响:王子,神职人员和人民。由Bridget Heal和Ole Peter Grell编辑。圣安德鲁斯宗教改革史研究。 Aldershot:Ashgate,2008年。xii + 305页,124.95美元。

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In the introduction to this collection of twelve essays, the editors (quiternrightfully) note the increasing partitioning of Reformation scholarship intornspecific geographical, confessional, and chronological categories. In an effortrnto counteract that trend, the editors have gathered and grouped these essaysrn(all of which grew out of a series of symposia held at the Open Universityrnand the St. Andrews Reformation Institute at St. Andrews University) inrnsuch a way that promises to “provide a broad perspective on the impact ofrnthe European Reformation(s)” while “reminding us of the need to understandrnparticular developments within a broader European context” (1). Towardthat end, the volume has been divided into the three sections indicated in therntitle, and the four essays within each section explore the effects of religiousrnreform as it pertains to the topic at hand. “Part I: Princes” contains essaysrnthat address the political ramifications of Protestant reform, and the essaysrnin “Part II: Clergy” investigate the relationships between the clergy and thernlaity in the wake of the Reformations. The final four essays fall under therntitle “Part III: People,” which “addresses issues of knowledge and belief” (8).
机译:在这十二篇论文集的简介中,编辑们(很正确地)注意到宗教改革奖学金越来越多地划分为特定的地理、,悔和年代顺序类别。为了抵消这种趋势,编辑人员收集并整理了这些论文(所有论文均来自开放大学和圣安德鲁斯大学圣安德鲁斯改革研究所举行的一系列专题讨论会),这种方式有望“提供了有关“欧洲改革”的影响的广阔视野”,同时“提醒我们有必要在更广泛的欧洲背景下了解特定的发展”(1)。为此,本卷分为标题中指示的三个部分,每个部分中的四篇文章探讨了宗教改革与手头主题有关的影响。 “第一部分:王子”中包含着解决新教改革的政治问题的文章,而“第二部分:神职人员”中的文章则研究了宗教改革之后神职人员与热诚之间的关系。最后的四篇论文的标题为“第三部分:人”,“解决知识和信仰问题”(8)。


  • 来源
    《Church History》 |2010年第2期|p.460-462|共3页
  • 作者

    Karen Bruhn;

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