首页> 外文期刊>Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture >Reforming the Art of Dying: The ars moriendi in the German Reformation (1519–1528). By Austra Reinis. St. Andrews Studies in Reformation History. Aldershot, U.K.: Ashgate, 2007. viii + 290 pp. $114.95 cloth.

Reforming the Art of Dying: The ars moriendi in the German Reformation (1519–1528). By Austra Reinis. St. Andrews Studies in Reformation History. Aldershot, U.K.: Ashgate, 2007. viii + 290 pp. $114.95 cloth.

机译:改革染色技术:德国改革(1519年至1528年)中的ars moriendi。由Austra Reinis。圣安德鲁斯宗教改革史研究。英国Aldershot:Ashgate,2007年。viii + 290页,每幅$ 114.95。

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Three decades after the history of death first made its appearance in France,nprincipally among medievalists and early modernists, the subject eventually made its way into Germany and England and the Protestant Reformation.nAmong the pioneers, two historians have claimed a place of honor with theirnbroad surveys: Craig Koslofsky with his Reformation of the Dead: Deathnand Ritual in Early Modern Germany, 1450–1700 (New York: St. Martin’s,n2000), and Peter Marshall with his Beliefs and the Dead in ReformationnEngland (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002). Though focused on twonvery different Reformations, these two books described and analyzed similarnsets of changes, arguing that Protestantism reconfigured not only the map ofnthe afterlife, but also the social and financial obligations that had linked thenliving and the dead in medieval Christendom. As one might expect, thesenbroad surveys are now being followed by more narrowly focused studies thatnseek to shed more light on smaller details, in one way or another.
机译:在法国首次出现死亡的三十年后,这个问题首先出现在法国,主要是在中世纪主义者和早期现代主义者中,这个话题最终进入了德国和英格兰以及新教改革。在先驱者中,两位历史学家声称他们在世界范围内享有荣誉调查:克雷格·科斯洛夫斯基(Craig Koslofsky)着他的《死者的改革:现代德国早期的Deathnand仪式》,1450-1700年(纽约:圣马丁,2000年),彼得·马歇尔(Peter Marshall)着《信仰与死者的改革》(英格兰)(牛津:牛津大学出版社, 2002)。尽管这两本书着重于两种不同的宗教改革,但它们描述并分析了变化的相似之处,认为新教不仅重塑了来世的地图,而且还重新构筑了与当时的世俗和死者联系在一起的社会和金融义务。正如人们可能期望的那样,thesenbroad调查之后紧随其后的是更狭窄的研究,它们试图以一种或另一种方式对较小的细节给予更多的了解。



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