首页> 外文期刊>Chinese Geographical Science >Urban hierarchy of innovation capability and inter-city linkages of knowledge in post-reform China

Urban hierarchy of innovation capability and inter-city linkages of knowledge in post-reform China


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The 2000s has witnessed increasing interests in cities’ role of innovation in the era of knowledge-based economy. Compared with substantial empirical analysis on the world city hierarchy of innovation, this paper attempts to examine the national urban hierarchy of innovation capability in China, in terms of ranking systems, spatial pattern and inter-city linkages of knowledge during the post-reform period since the late 1970s. Based on quantitative analysis such as principal component factor analysis and clustering analysis, this paper identifies the five-tier hierarchy of innovation, which is headed by Beijing and Shanghai, followed by the capital cities of each province and regional centre cities. The development of China’s urban hierarchy of innovation capability has been driven by such factors as the scale of innovation, scientific scale, innovation potential and innovation environment. The paper further investigates the inter-city linkages of knowledge measured by the number of co-authored papers among the cities. Beijing is positioned in the central position of the knowledge diffusion and knowledge cooperation innovation. More knowledge diffusion among high level cities has occurred than that among the low level cities as well as between the low level cities and high level cities, and provincial capital cities and the regional central cities.
机译:在知识经济时代,2000年代见证了人们对城市创新作用的日益增长的兴趣。与对世界城市创新体系的大量实证分析相比较,本文试图从改革后时期以来的排名体系,空间格局和城市间知识联系的角度考察中国的国家创新能力城市体系。 1970年代后期。基于主成分因子分析和聚类分析等定量分析,确定了创新的五层体系,以北京和上海为首,其次是各省会城市和区域中心城市。创新规模,科学规模,创新潜力和创新环境等因素驱动着中国城市创新能力等级制的发展。本文进一步研究了城市间知识的联系,这些联系通过城市之间合着论文的数量来衡量。北京处于知识传播和知识合作创新的中心位置。高层城市之间的知识传播比底层城市之间以及底层城市和高层城市之间,省会城市和区域中心城市之间的知识传播更多。



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