首页> 外文期刊>China Journal of Social Work >When Wal-Mart and the Chinese dormitory labour regime meet: a study of three toy factories in China

When Wal-Mart and the Chinese dormitory labour regime meet: a study of three toy factories in China


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This paper analyses the characteristics of the dormitory labour regime in China's post-socialist period and the collusion of this regime in the process of the 'Wal-Martization' of global toy production. This collusion has shaped labour relations and CSR labour practices in China. This paper focuses on three factories, located in the industrial zone of Shenzhen, South China, that supply toys to Wal-Mart. It begins with an examination of the dormitory labour regime supporting China's exports and then investigates the 'Wal-Martization' of the global toy industry. The effect of Wal-Mart's bargain-driven business model on the dormitory labour regime has reshaped China as 'the world's workshop' and changed its position in the international division of labour. An analysis of the nature and characteristics of Wal-Mart's corporate social responsibility (CSR) model, which is based on providing only the 'legal minimum,' and its impact on factory labour relations in China will follow. : “” “” “”“” “”
机译:本文分析了中国在后社会主义时期的宿舍劳工制度的特点,以及在全球玩具生产“沃尔玛化”过程中这种制度的共谋。这种勾结塑造了中国的劳资关系和企业社会责任劳动惯例。本文重点研究位于华南深圳工业区的三个向沃尔玛提供玩具的工厂。首先要研究支持中国出口的宿舍劳工制度,然后研究全球玩具业的“沃尔玛化”。讨价还价驱动的商业模式对宿舍劳工制度的影响使中国重塑为“世界工厂”,并改变了其在国际劳动分工中的地位。接下来将分析沃尔玛的企业社会责任(CSR)模型的性质和特征,该模型仅基于“法定最低限额”及其对中国工厂劳资关系的影响。 :“”“”“”“”“”



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