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Leaching of bisphenol A (BPA) to seawater from polycarbonate plastic and its degradation by reactive oxygen species


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In this study, (1) change in the concentration of bisphenol A (BPA) leached from polycarbonate (PC) tube to control water (BPA free), seawater and river water at 20 and 37degreesC as a function of time, (2) the fate of BPA caused by addition of H2O2 and Fe3+ to seawater containing BPA leached from PC tube were assessed. BPA leached from PC tube to all water samples increased with the ascendant of temperature and with the passage of time. The BPA leaching velocity in seawater was the fastest in three samples (11 ng/day for seawater, 4.8 ng/day for river water 0.8 ng/day for control water at 37degreesC. BPA leaching velocity from PC tube was significantly high at pH 8 (50 mM Na2HPO4) and increased dose-dependently. There was no difference in the velocity of BPA among the 50 mM phosphate-buffers at pH 6.5, 7.0 and 7.5. BPA was leached three times higher by addition of Na+ than K+. However, the higher the K+ concentration, the larger the BPA leached from PC tube. Na+ mixed with PO was effective on BPA leaching from PC tube, but not with SO- or Cl-. The results suggested that BPA leaching from PC tube would be attributed to the concentration of bibasic phosphate such as Na2HPO4 and K2HPO4 in water samples. BPA was degraded in both control water and seawater in the presence of radical oxygen species, but the degradation rate was lower in seawater than in control water, suggesting that antioxidative system exists in seawater. Neo-synthesized substance in both control water and seawater in the presence of reactive oxygen species was identified as BPA-quinone by LC-MS. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. [References: 28]
机译:在这项研究中,(1)从聚碳酸酯(PC)管中沥出的双酚A(BPA)浓度变化随时间变化,以控制20°C和37°C下的水(不含BPA),海水和河水,(2)评估了从PC管浸出的含BPA的海水中添加H2O2和Fe3 +引起的BPA命运。随着温度的升高和时间的流逝,从PC管中浸出的BPA到所有水样中的BPA均增加。在三个样品中,海水中BPA的浸出速度最快(海水为11 ng /天,河水为4.8 ng /天,对照水在37摄氏度时为0.8 ng /天。在pH 8时,PC管的BPA浸出速度显着较高( 50 mM Na2HPO4(50 mM Na2HPO4)并呈剂量依赖性增加;在pH 6.5、7.0和7.5的50 mM磷酸盐缓冲液中,BPA的速度没有差异;添加Na +的BPA的浸出速度比K +高三倍。 K +浓度越高,从PC管中浸出的BPA越大; Na +与PO混合对从PC管中浸出的BPA有效,但对SO-或Cl-无效,结果表明,从PC管中浸出的BPA归因于水样中Na2HPO4和K2HPO4等磷酸二氢盐的浓度,BPA在存在自由基氧的情况下在对照水和海水中均被降解,但在海水中的降解率低于在对照水中,表明海水中存在抗氧化系统。 LC-MS将在活性氧存在下的对照水和海水中的新合成物质鉴定为BPA-醌。 (C)2002 Elsevier Science Ltd.保留所有权利。 [参考:28]



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