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A Ph-driven, Reconfigurable Dna Nanotriangle


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A simple and robust DNA nanotriangle that can be conveniently reconfigured by environmental pH changes is demonstrated.rnDNA is an extremely powerful and versatile building material for nanoscience and technology because of the structural rigidity of duplex DNA at the sub-50 nm length scale, and the versatile chemistry and biology that allow functionaliza-tion and manipulation. Its extreme versatility is evident from the construction of a range of novel DNA nanostructures, devices and DNA-based molecular machines and motors. Such novel DNA nanostructures, motors, and devices have a wide range of potential applications in biosensing, nano-electronic devices, and information processing etc. To date, most DNA molecular motors or nanodevices have been powered by DNA fuels, where single-stranded (ss) DNA fuels and anti-fuels are sequentially introduced to power and regenerate the system via a competitive hybridization mechanism. This often leads to a relatively slow operational speed, limited by the rate of the competitive hybridization (strand exchange) reaction, and suffers system poisoning due to incomplete strand exchange. As a result, the performance of such DNA motors gradually degrades after a few cycles, which has been one of the major factors limiting the potential applications of DNA nanomotors.
机译:演示了一种简单而健壮的DNA纳米三角形,可以通过环境pH的变化方便地对其进行重新配置。rnDNA是一种用于纳米科学和技术的功能强大且用途广泛的建筑材料,因为其双链DNA在50 nm以下的长度尺度上具有结构刚性,并且允许进行功能化和操作的通用化学和生物学。从一系列新颖的DNA纳米结构,设备以及基于DNA的分子机器和电机的构造中可以明显看出其极端的多功能性。此类新颖的DNA纳米结构,马达和设备在生物传感,纳米电子设备和信息处理等方面具有广泛的潜在应用。迄今为止,大多数DNA分子马达或纳米设备已由DNA燃料提供动力,其中单链( ss)依次引入DNA燃料和反燃料以通过竞争性杂交机制为系统提供动力和再生。这通常导致相对较慢的操作速度,受竞争性杂交(链交换)反应速率的限制,并且由于链交换不完全而遭受系统中毒。结果,这种DNA马达的性能在几个循环后逐渐降低,这已成为限制DNA纳米马达潜在应用的主要因素之一。



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