首页> 外文期刊>Cancer Biomarkers >Transcriptional expression of glioma chemotherapy drugs associated marker molecules in gliomas and normal brain tissues

Transcriptional expression of glioma chemotherapy drugs associated marker molecules in gliomas and normal brain tissues


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Currently, the transcript abundance of key enzymes for chemotherapy drug metabolism, which may help in predictingnthe efficacy of a drug, can easily be detected in tumor tissues. However, there has been little research on the enzymes involved innthe chemotherapy of gliomas. This study aimed to detect and compare the abundance of glioma chemotherapy drug-associatednmarker molecules in both gliomas and normal brain tissues and among gliomas of different grades. We examined the transcriptnabundance of four such marker molecules, MGMT, ERCC1, Topo IIα and Stathmin, in 46 glioma and 6 normal brain tissues.Wenalso compared the abundance of these molecules in normal brain tissues and glioma tissues with different malignancy grades.nFurthermore, we described the variation of these molecules in different grades of gliomas by calculating the ratio of their maximumnto their minimum. The transcript abundance of MGMT and ERCC1 was significantly higher in normal brain tissues than innglioma tissues. However, the opposite result was observed for Topo IIα. For Stathmin, no significant differences between normalnbrain tissues and gliomas tissues were found. For all 4 marker molecules, no significant differences were detected between gradesnof glioma. All four molecules exhibited wide variation in abundance, fluctuating significantly between gliomas. These resultsnsuggest that individualized detection and medication may be beneficial for treatment.



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