
New era dawns


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With the children grown up, holidays were usually spent in Wales or The Lakes. Jayne, my wife, would drive the loaded car and I would follow on my motorbike. We would then tour on the bike leaving the car at the camp/cottage. Then Jayne had knee replacements meaning she could no longer easily mount or sit comfortably on the bike. An anniversary meal on board Judith Mary at Whaley Bridge sparked an idea for a canal boat holiday where Jayne could steer and I could operate the locks etc. We started to look around, and a visit to Macclesfield Canal Centre saw us introduced to Rushton Lady. Hired from the marina, she was a 45ft cruiser stern narrowboat. We booked for a week in May 2002 and she became 'our boat' for the following three years with cruises on the Four Counties and Llangollen. The idea of owning our own boat grew, and when I received my share of my mother's estate in 2005 we began our search.
机译:随着孩子的成长,通常在威尔士或湖泊度过假期。我的妻子杰恩(Jayne)会开车,然后我会骑摩托车。然后,我们将骑自行车游览,将汽车停在营地/山寨上。然后,杰恩(Jayne)进行了膝关节置换术,这意味着她再也无法轻松地安装或舒适地坐在自行车上了。沃利桥(Whaley Bridge)上朱迪思·玛丽(Judith Mary)的周年纪念餐引发了一个运河游船假期的想法,贾恩(Jayne)可以操舵,我可以操纵船闸等。她从码头聘用,是一艘45英尺高的巡洋舰船尾窄船。我们在2002年5月预订了一个星期,在接下来的三年中,她成为了“我们的船”,在四个县和兰戈伦进行了巡游。拥有自己的船的想法越来越多,2005年当我获得我母亲的财产时,我们开始进行搜索。



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