
Stories for the Children


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You would be able to count the number of really memorable waterways novels for adults on the fingers of one hand. That tiny list would have to include AP Herbert's The Water Gipsies (1930); the same author's almost unknown, but thoroughly enjoyable The House by the River (1920); and Fitchett's Inn by Bernard Ash (1955). Many other novels have been published, especially in recent years. In complete contrast, when you come to consider what the book trade calls 'canal Juvenilia', there is a large and rich range of published worksf spanning more than a century. Heading the catalogue is a very collectable octet of tales that ail originally appeared towards the end of the Victorian era. None of these eight works seems to have been reprinted within living memory, and they are re1asonably scarce.
机译:您将能够用一只手指望成年人真正难忘的水路小说的数量。这个很小的清单必须包括AP赫伯特的《 The Water Gipsies》(1930年)。同一位作家几乎鲜为人知,但完全令人愉快的《河边的房子》(1920年);菲纳特(Fitchett)的《伯纳德·阿什(Bernard Ash)》(1955年)。已经出版了许多其他小说,尤其是近年来。与之形成鲜明对比的是,当您考虑一下书上所说的“ Canal Juvenilia”时,有超过一个世纪的丰富而丰富的出版作品。目录的标题是一个非常具有收藏价值的八卦故事,最初都是在维多利亚时代末期出现的。这八幅作品似乎都没有在活着的记忆中被重印,而且它们确实是稀缺的。



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