首页> 外文期刊>Canadian Journal of Economics >Tariff effects on MNC decisions to engage in intra-firm and arm's-length trade

Tariff effects on MNC decisions to engage in intra-firm and arm's-length trade


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Using confidential firm-level data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) on activities of U.S. multinational corporations (MNCs) and their Canadian affiliates, we study the dramatic growth of intra-firm and arm's-length U.S.-Canada trade over the 1984-95 period. We find that decisions to engage in intra-firm and arm's-length trade are essentially unrelated to tariff and transport cost reductions over this sample period. Thus, we find that the increase in trade occurred almost entirely on the intensive rather than the extensive margin. This is consistent with case study evidence in Keane and Feinberg (2006), where MNC executives consistently indicate that the modest tariff reductions of the 1984-95 period were not sufficient to justify fixed costs of overhauling international supply chains. Our results have important implications for recent influential models of international trade that rely on sensitivity of intra-firm trade to tariffs at the extensive margin to explain how small tariff declines could have led to the explosion of intra-firm trade since the 1980s. We also find that initial conditions (i.e., 1983 tariffs) are uncorrelated with whether firms engaged in intra-firm or arm's-length trade activity at the start of the sample period. This result is surprising as it implies that firms/industries with a greater propensity to engage in trade were not, in general, successful at lobbying for more favourable tariff treatment.
机译:我们使用经济分析局(BEA)提供的有关美国跨国公司(MNC)及其加拿大子公司活动的机密公司级数据,研究了1984年以来公司内部和独立交易的急剧增长。 95期。我们发现,从事企业内部交易和正常交易的决定与在此样本期内降低关税和运输成本基本无关。因此,我们发现贸易的增长几乎完全发生在集约化的利润上,而不是在广泛的保证金上。这与基恩(Keane)和费恩伯格(Feinberg)(2006)的案例研究证据一致,跨国公司的高管一致表示,1984-95年期间的适度关税削减不足以证明需要大修国际供应链的固定成本。我们的结果对最近有影响力的国际贸易模型具有重要意义,该模型依靠公司内部贸易对关税的敏感性很高,来解释自1980年代以来关税的小幅下降可能导致公司内部贸易的爆炸式增长。我们还发现,初始条件(即1983年的关税)与公司在样本期开始时从事公司内部交易或正常交易活动无关。该结果令人惊讶,因为这意味着具有更大贸易倾向的公司/行业通常无法成功游说以寻求更优惠的关税待遇。



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