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This Cop Means Business


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Securities & Exchange Commission Chairman William H. Donaldson rose at 4:30 a.m. on a recent Saturday to fly from New York to San Francisco. By lunchtime, he was discussing economics with Nobel laureate Milton Friedman at former Secretary of State George P. Shultz's home in Palo Alto. Then it was on to a two-hour meeting to debate a dozen high-tech executives over Donaldson's insistence that their companies should deduct the cost of employee stock options from earnings. The next day, he spoke at Stanford Law School about restoring business integrity. After taking the red-eye flight back to New York, Donaldson spent Monday, June 2, plowing through paperwork before his wife, Jane, surprised him with a party for his 72nd birthday at Manhattan's River Club. The clear message: The SEC isn't Bill Donaldson's retirement home. When the former Wall Streeter and lifelong friend of the Bush family took over on Feb. 18, the betting was that he'd be a caretaker, put in to clean up the mess left by former Chairman Harvey L. Pitt and get corporate scandals off the front page long before the 2004 elections. Instead, Donaldson has turned up the heat on wrongdoers, increased penalties for financial fraud, and named a hard-line critic to police accountants.
机译:证券交易委员会主席威廉·唐纳森(William H.Donaldson)在最近的周六凌晨4点30分从纽约飞往旧金山。午餐时间,他正在与前国务卿乔治·舒尔茨在帕洛阿尔托的家中的诺贝尔奖获得者米尔顿·弗里德曼讨论经济学。然后是一个两小时的会议,就唐纳森坚持其公司应从收益中扣除员工认股权成本的问题,对十几位高科技高管进行辩论。第二天,他在斯坦福大学法学院发表了关于恢复商业诚信的讲话。唐纳德森(Donaldson)乘红眼飞机飞回纽约后,在6月2日星期一进行了文件整理工作,之后他的妻子简(Jane)在曼哈顿河俱乐部(River Club)庆祝他72岁生日的聚会上令他惊讶。明确的信息是:SEC不是Bill Donaldson的退休之家。 2月18日,当前华尔街人和布什家族的终身朋友接任时,打赌他将成为看守,清理前董事长哈维·皮特(Harvey L. Pitt)留下的烂摊子,并消除公司丑闻在2004年大选之前的头版。取而代之的是,唐纳森(Donaldson)加大了对违法者的打击力度,加大了对金融欺诈行为的处罚力度,并任命了严厉的批评者给警察会计师。



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