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Kid Gloves at the Fed


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Back in February, 1994, when the Federal Reserve began jacking up interest rates, bond traders went berserk. Prices plunged as shocked speculators sold off bonds. In the ensuing carnage, several hedge funds went belly-up, and Orange County, Calif., went into bankruptcy. Now, as Alan Greenspan gets ready to lead the Fed through another tightening, the dangers posed by a financial backlash are much greater than they were a decade ago. That's because just a few firms dominate far larger markets for housing finance and derivatives. If a sudden rate rise upended one of those big players, the jolt to the financial system and the economy could be much more damaging than anything seen in 1994. Concentration "increases the vulnerability of the system to a... financial disruption," New York Fed President Timothy F. Geithner warned bankers on Mar. 25.
机译:早在1994年2月,当美联储(Fed)开始提高利率时,债券交易员就疯了。由于震惊的投机者抛售了债券,价格暴跌。在随后的大屠杀中,几只对冲基金破产了,加利福尼亚的橙县破产了。现在,随着艾伦•格林斯潘(Alan Greenspan)准备带领美联储再次采取紧缩政策,金融反弹所带来的危险要比十年前更大。那是因为只有少数几家公司主导着更大的住房金融和衍生品市场。如果突然的利率上升使这些大公司之一崩溃,那么对金融体系和经济的冲击可能会比1994年的情况更具破坏性。集中化“增加了该体系对金融崩溃的脆弱性,”新纽约联储主席蒂莫西·盖特纳(Timothy F. Geithner)于3月25日警告银行家。



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