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What Do Your People Need And When?


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Database experts agree that to master enterprise data integration, a company must first get a handle on how much of its informa-tion is updated in real-time. The term "real-time," however, is thrown around a lot And lite so many terms in high-tech, it has adopted so many meanings as to be almost meaningless, Is real-time data where users can see data simultaneously with the transaction, as Webster's would suggest? Is a one-hour delay real-time? Two hours? Ten minutes? To a retail executive used to daily or even bi-weekly updates, a one-hour delay feels like real-time. And to a WaE Street trader, a 10-second delay feels like anything but real-time.
机译:数据库专家同意,要掌握企业数据集成,公司必须首先掌握实时更新多少信息的方法。但是,术语“实时”到处都是,而高科技中的术语如此之多,它所采用的含义如此之多,以至于几乎没有意义。交易,如韦伯斯特的建议?实时延迟一小时吗?两个小时? 10分钟?对于习惯于每天甚至每两周更新一次的零售业高管,一小时的延迟感觉就像是实时的。对于WaE Street交易员来说,延迟10秒感觉就像是实时之外。



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