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Higher Rates: A Survival Kit


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For nearly two years, investors have been talking about the day when interest rates would start to climb. Well, the bond market has started to push up long-term rates, and the betting is that the Federal Reserve will start raising short-term rates this summer. Rising rates are usually the bane of bondholders, but not if you own certain investments. "BANK-LOAN" or "prime-rate" funds buy portions of loans made to corporate borrowers. The loan rates are generally pegged at 3.5 percentage points or more above the London interbank offered rate (LIBOR), now 1.17%. Because the rates on the loans change frequently―typically every 90 days―the funds' yields rise .along with interest rates. Indeed, when rates spiked in 1994, the funds rose 6.6% on average, while long-term government bond funds lost 77%, according to fund researcher Morningstar.
机译:近两年来,投资者一直在谈论利率开始攀升的日子。好吧,债券市场已经开始推高长期利率,而且押注的是美联储将在今年夏天开始提高短期利率。利率上升通常是债券持有人的祸根,但如果您拥有某些投资,则不是。 “银行贷款”或“最优惠利率”基金购买向企业借款人提供的部分贷款。贷款利率通常定在高于伦敦银行同业拆借利率(LIBOR)的3.5个百分点或更高,LIBOR目前为1.17%。由于贷款利率经常变化(通常每90天变化一次),因此基金的收益率随利率上升。实际上,据基金研究机构晨星公司(Morningstar)称,当利率在1994年飙升时,该基金平均上涨了6.6%,而长期政府债券基金下跌了77%。



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