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It wasn't as far-fetched as, say, a geeky high school student morphing overnight into your web-spinning, friendly, neighborhood Spider-Man. But the Mar. 7 announcement that Sir Howard Stringer would take over management control of Sony Corp., a $68 billion consumer-electronics and entertainment colossus, came pretty close to defying belief in Japan. Sure, Sony is a much-diminished force. But was it so desperate it needed to turn to a non-techie gaijin, a former CBS television news producer who speaks no Japanese and who plans to run the show mostly from New York, not Tokyo? Outgoing Sony CEO and Chairman Nobuyuki Idei says he handpicked Stringer, 63, based on his undisputed success as head of Sony's U.S. music and film operations. It helped, no doubt, that he led a consortium to buy the fabled Metro-Goldwyn Mayer Inc. studio for $5 billion last fall, beating out Time Warner Inc. With Sony's operations so enmeshed in the U.S. and its brand so well known around the world, "there is no reason why management should be Japanese," Idei maintains.
机译:它不像一个令人讨厌的高中生在一夜之间变成您的网络旋转,友好的邻居蜘蛛侠那样牵强。但3月7日宣布霍华德·斯金格爵士(Sir Howard Stringer)将接管索尼公司(一家价值680亿美元的消费电子和娱乐巨loss)的管理控制权的举动几乎违抗了对日本的信念。当然,索尼是一支力量大大减弱的部队。但是,是否如此迫切,需要找一位非技术人员盖津(Gaijin),他是前哥伦比亚广播公司的电视新闻制作人,不说日语,并且计划主要从纽约而不是东京来主持该节目?即将离任的索尼首席执行​​官兼董事长出井伸行(Nobuyuki Idei)说,他是现年63岁的斯特林格的亲力亲为,他是索尼美国音乐和电影业务的负责人,这一点毫无争议。毫无疑问,这帮助了他带领一个财团去年秋天以50亿美元的价格收购了传说中的Metro-Goldwyn Mayer Inc.工作室,击败了时代华纳公司(Time Warner Inc.)。 Idei坚持认为,“在世界范围内,“没有任何理由应该让管理人员成为日本人”。



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