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A Top Indian Politician Faces Murder Charges


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Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi chose a man with both political gifts and political baggage to run India's ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). Amit Shah has a record of winning tough election campaigns. And he faces murder charges filed by India's equivalent of the FBI. The case stems from the 2005 slaying of a married couple and the 2006 killing of a man in the state of Gujarat, where Shah was home minister. The charge is that he was a key conspirator in the plots to murder the victims. Shah denies any wrongdoing. His bid to have the case dismissed is pending before a Mumbai court. Robin Mogera, a lawyer representing Shah, declined to discuss the specifics of the case. Shah would not agree to an interview.
机译:印度总理纳伦德拉·莫迪(Narendra Modi)选择了一个既有政治天分又有政治包both的人来主持印度执政的巴拉蒂娅·贾纳塔党(BJP)。阿米特·莎(Amit Shah)在艰难的竞选活动中获胜。而且他面临着印度联邦调查局(FBI)提起的谋杀罪。该案源于2005年杀死一对已婚夫妇,以及2006年在沙阿担任内政部长的古吉拉特邦杀害了一名男子。指控是他是谋杀受害者的阴谋中的关键阴谋家。莎阿否认有任何不当行为。他要求驳回该案的请求正在孟买法院审理。沙阿的律师罗宾·莫格拉(Robin Mogera)拒绝讨论此案的细节。莎阿不同意接受采访。



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