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How to Lobby But Not Be a Lobbyist


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Each one of Donald Trump's 4,000 political appointees has to sign an ethics pledge agreeing not to lobby the agencies where they work for five years after leaving. That compares with a two-year ban Barack Obama's appointees had to sign. Yet ethics specialists say a subtle tweak in the language of Trump's order may open the door to more "shadow lobbying," or influence peddling that doesn't quite meet the official definition of lobbying. Under Obama, former appointees were banned from "communicating" with employees of their former agencies. That behavior included sending e-mails, having phone conversations, attending or arranging meetings with lawmakers, or even attaching one's name to a particular interest group's cause. Trump's ban instead focuses on "lobbying activities," language that may narrow the scope of what is forbidden.
机译:唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)的4,000名政治任命中的每一位都必须签署一项道德承诺,同意在离开后的五年内不游说其工作所在的机构。相比之下,为期两年的禁令,巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)的任命必须签署。然而,伦理学专家表示,特朗普命令语言的微妙调整可能为更多“影子游说”打开大门,或影响尚未完全达到游说官方定义的小贩。在奥巴马执政期间,前任被任命者被禁止与其前任机构的雇员进行“沟通”。这种行为包括发送电子邮件,进行电话交谈,参加或安排与立法者的会议,甚至将自己的名字附加到特定利益集团的事业上。特朗普的禁令取而代之的是“游说活动”,这种措辞可能会缩小被禁止的范围。



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