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The pattern approval process: The past, present and future as seen by US instrument manufacturers


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What will the pattern approval process look like next year or in the year 2020? Will it be different than it is today? No one person or individual organization can answer , both these questions with guaranteed accuracy, but each of us will agree that it will be different than it is today. Leaders of the international metrology community who were present as a group at the 2020 Seminar should be able to, can, and indeed must define the future of the pattern evaluation process and what it should look like. To do this we need to begin now. We need to look at all the hard work that was put into developing the current systems, and also at the efforts that many of the OIML Technical Committees and Subcommittees are making in focusing their work in this direction. The author spoke at the 2020 Seminar as a representative of the US Scale Manufacturers' Association, the objective of which, as manufacturers, is not to undermine the approval process, but rather to streamline it; not to ask for easier standards but to work towards developing strong global standards. The Association's goal is no different to that of manufacturers of any other product: to bring high quality, cost effective products, using new technology, to the marketplace faster with no breach of any legal requirements and with a minimum consumption of natural resources.



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