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Effects of inelastic volume increase on fractured rock behaviour


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This study investigated the correlation between inelastic volumetric deformation and the bearing capacity of fractured rock. Triaxial compression tests on marble specimens have been performed under constant and controlled deformation rates using a servocontrolled loading machine supported by an electro-hydraulic volume-measuring unit connected to a data acquisition system. The triaxial compression tests were carried out on two different marble samples under constant confining pressures ranging from 1-12.5 MPa. The results indicate that stress-inelastic volumetric strain curves are generally linear through the initial part of the post-failure curve where fractured rock behaviour is dominant. It was found that brittle rock loses its strength in the post-failure region depending on volumetric deformation; the slopes of post-failure curves change with an increase in confining pressure. As a result it is concluded that there is a relationship between strength and volumetric strain of fissured rock.
机译:本研究探讨了非弹性体积变形与裂隙岩的承载力之间的关系。大理石样品的三轴压缩试验是在恒定变形速度和受控变形速度下使用伺服控制的加载机进行的,该加载机由与数据采集系统连接的电动液压体积测量单元支撑。三轴压缩试验是在两个不同的大理石样品上进行的,其恒定围压范围为1-12.5 MPa。结果表明,应力-非弹性体积应变曲线在断裂后行为占主导的断裂后曲线的初始部分通常是线性的。结果发现,脆性岩石在破坏后的区域会失去强度,这取决于体积变形。破坏后曲线的斜率随着围压的增加而变化。结果得出结论:裂隙岩石的强度和体积应变之间存在关系。



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