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Raised Expectations


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The honeymoon is over for ABC Entertainment President Stephen McPherson—at home and the office. Back last week from a luxurious European vacation following his wedding, the 39-year-old now begins the arduous task for which he was brought in three months ago: moving ABC out of fourth place. Expectations are high, given the daunting task ahead, and McPherson has no allusions about persuading American viewers to watch: "I think we need to bring the trust back to ABC." Already, there are signs of life at ABC. It's too soon to tell whether those positive stirrings will result in the big hits the network needs to re-emerge from last place, but ABC's batch of new shows—particularly Desperate Housewives, Lost, Life as We Know It, Eyes and Wife Swap—are the most-loved, most praised by TV critics this year.
机译:ABC娱乐总裁Stephen McPherson在家里和办公室度过了蜜月。上周他的婚礼结束后,他从一次欧洲豪华假期回来,现年39岁的他现在开始了艰巨的任务,这是他三个月前被带到的:将ABC移出第四名。鉴于未来的艰巨任务,人们的期望很高,麦克弗森丝毫没有说服美国观众观看:“我认为我们需要将信任带回到美国广播公司。” ABC已经有生命迹象。现在说这些积极的搅动是否会导致网络需要重振旗鼓还为时过早,但是ABC的一批新节目,尤其是《绝望的主妇》,《失落的人们》,《我们所知道的生活》,《眼睛和妻子交换》是今年电视评论家最喜欢,最赞的影片。



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