首页> 外文期刊>British Medical Journal >Psychological impact of human papillomavirus testing in women with borderline or mildly dyskaryotic cervical smear test results: cross sectional questionnaire study

Psychological impact of human papillomavirus testing in women with borderline or mildly dyskaryotic cervical smear test results: cross sectional questionnaire study


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Objective To describe the psychological impact on women of being tested for human papillomavirus (HPV) when smear test results are borderline or mildly dyskaryotic. Design Cross sectional questionnaire study. Setting Two centres participating in an English pilot study of HPV testing in women with borderline or mildly dyskaryotic smear test results. Participants Women receiving borderline or mildly dyskaryotic smear test results tested for HPV and found to be HPV positive (n = 536) or HPV negative (n = 331); and women not tested for HPV with borderline or mildly dyskaryotic smear results (n = 143) or normal smear results (n = 366). Main outcome measures State anxiety, distress, and concern about test result, assessed within four weeks of receipt of results. Results Women with borderline or mildly dyskaryotic smear results who were HPV positive were more anxious, distressed, and concerned than the other three groups. Three variables independently predicted anxiety in HPV positive women: younger age (β = - 0.11, P = 0.03), higher perceived risk of cervical cancer (β = 0.17, P < 0.001), and reporting that they did not understand the meaning of test results (β = 0.17, P = 0.001). Testing HPV negative was not reassuring: among women with abnormal smear test results, those who were HPV negative were no less anxious than those who were not tested for HPV. Conclusions Informing women more effectively about the meaning of borderline or mildly dyskaryotic smear test results and HPV status, in particular about the absolute risks of cervical cancer and the prevalence of HPV infection, may avoid some anxiety for those who are HPV positive while achieving some reassurance for those who test HPV negative.
机译:目的描述在涂片检查结果为临界或轻度运动障碍时进行人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)测试对女性的心理影响。设计横断面问卷研究。设置两个中心参加对处于边缘或轻度运动障碍涂片检查结果的女性进行HPV检测的英语试点研究。参与者接受临界或轻度运动障碍涂片检查结果的妇女的HPV测试结果为HPV阳性(n = 536)或HPV阴性(n = 331);且未经过HPV检测的妇女具有临界或轻度运动障碍涂片结果(n = 143)或正常涂片结果(n = 366)。主要结果指标在收到结果后的四个星期内评估状态焦虑,困扰和对​​测试结果的关注。结果HPV阳性的边缘或轻度运动障碍涂片检查结果的女性比其他三组更焦虑,忧虑和关注。以下三个变量独立地预测了HPV阳性女性的焦虑感:年龄较小(β=-0.11,P = 0.03),宫颈癌的感知风险较高(β= 0.17,P <0.001),并报告他们不了解测试的含义。结果(β= 0.17,P = 0.001)。检测HPV阴性并不能令人放心:在涂片检测结果异常的女性中,HPV阴性的女性比未进行HPV检测的女性焦虑程度更高。结论更有效地告知妇女边界或轻度dysaryaryotic涂片检查结果和HPV状况的意义,尤其是子宫颈癌的绝对风险和HPV感染的发生率,可以使HPV阳性的人避免一些焦虑,同时又可以放心对于那些检测HPV阴性的人。



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