首页> 外文期刊>British Journal of Nutrition >Interactive and individual effects of dietary non-digestible carbohydrates and oils on DNA damage, SCFA and bacteria in the large bowel of rats

Interactive and individual effects of dietary non-digestible carbohydrates and oils on DNA damage, SCFA and bacteria in the large bowel of rats


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Dietary non-digestible carbohydrates (NDC) play an important role in large-bowel health and one form of NDC, resistant starch (RS), can promotenlow levels of DNA damage and other markers of colonic health. The objective of the present study was to determine whether the ability of dietarynRS or other NDC to influence colonic health, particularly DNA damage, is dependent on the type of dietary oil. We compared the effects of dietsncontaining 10% of NDC from cellulose, wheat bran, high-amylose maize starch (HAS, a rich source of RS type 2) or a retrograded HAS (RHAS, anrich source of RS type 3) on DNA damage, SCFA production and bacterial changes in the large bowel of rats. Each carbohydrate source wasncombined with 10% fish oil (FO) or Sunolae oil (SO; rich in oleic acid). There was a significant interaction between NDC and oil treatmentsnon single-strand DNA breaks in colonocytes isolated from the colon. The damage in rats consuming RHAS was greater for FO consumptionnthan for SO consumption. There was a significant interaction between NDC and oils on caecum weights and treatment effects of NDC andnoils were observed for the weights and lengths of other gut tissues. Significant differences were found in colonic SCFA pools and caecal numbersnof lactobacilli, bifidobacteria, Escherichia coli and Bacteroides fragilis with the various NDC and oil treatments. The present results demonstratenthat the effects of NDC and oils, particularly on colonic DNA damage, can depend on how they are combined within the diet.
机译:饮食中的非消化性碳水化合物(NDC)在大肠健康中起着重要作用,NDC的一种形式是抗性淀粉(RS),可以促进低水平的DNA损伤和其他结肠健康指标。本研究的目的是确定饮食中的RS或其他NDC影响结肠健康(尤其是DNA损伤)的能力是否取决于饮食油的类型。我们比较了含有10%NDC的饮食,来自纤维素,麦麸,高直链玉米淀粉(HAS,RS 2的丰富来源)或逆向HAS(RHAS,RS 3的丰富来源)的饮食对DNA损伤的影响,大鼠大肠中的SCFA产生和细菌变化。每种碳水化合物源均与10%的鱼油(FO)或Sunolae油(SO;富含油酸)混合。 NDC与油处理之间存在显着的相互作用,即从结肠分离出的结肠细胞中非单链DNA断裂。摄入RHAS的大鼠对FO的损害大于对SO的损害。 NDC和油脂之间在盲肠重量上有显着的相互作用,并且在其他肠道组织的重量和长度上观察到NDC和小白菜的治疗效果。在采用各种NDC和油处理的情况下,发现结肠SCFA池和乳酸菌,双歧杆菌,大肠杆菌和脆弱拟杆菌的盲肠数量存在显着差异。目前的结果表明,NDC和油类的影响,特别是对结肠DNA的损害,可能取决于它们在饮食中的结合方式。



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