
Dangerous Instruments?


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Qualifying the automobile as a dangerous instrument is linked to the ‘responsibilization’ and the criminalization of individual negligent drivers in the United States. One case—State v. Fitzgerald (1978)—is selected to illustrate this particular process. The use of the dangerous instrument argument lowers the threshold of criminal liability from gross to ordinary negligence and offers judicial ground to increase the degree of culpability for negligent homicide. My argument is twofold. First, I claim that the criminalization of negligent driving points to a process whereby the motor vehicle and the negligent driver co-constitute one another. Second, I contend that criminalizing negligent driving is related to the emergence of a specific class of risks: circumstantial risks. I conclude by pushing for a Tardian turn in criminology.
机译:将汽车视为危险工具与美国的“责任”和将个别过失驾驶员定为刑事犯罪有关。选择了State v。Fitzgerald(1978)一案来说明这一特定过程。危险工具论点的使用将刑事责任的门槛从严重过失降低为普通过失,并为增加过失杀人罪的可归责程度提供了司法依据。我的观点是双重的。首先,我认为将过失驾驶定为刑事犯罪是指汽车和过失驾驶者共同构成的过程。其次,我认为将过失驾驶定为犯罪与特定风险类别的出现有关:间接风险。最后,我要推动犯罪学的Tardian转向。



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