首页> 外文期刊>Acta botanica sinica >Population Distribution and Dynamics of Quercus liaotungensis, Fraxinus rhynchophylla and Acer mono in Dongling Mountain, Beijing

Population Distribution and Dynamics of Quercus liaotungensis, Fraxinus rhynchophylla and Acer mono in Dongling Mountain, Beijing


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The spatial distribution and population dynamics of Quercus liaotungensis Koidz., Fraxinus rhynchophylla Hance and Acer mono Maxim, were studied in three warm temperate deciduous forests in Dongling Mountain, Beijing. Clumped distributions appeared in most seedlings (≤0.4 m) , short saplings (0.4 - 1 m) and tall saplings (1 - 2 m). Random distributions appeared in adults of Q. liaotungensis in Plot 1, F. rhynchophylla in Plot 3. The LSD method was used to discern the differences of different aged population. The class distribution of Q. liaotungensis was nearly a reverse-J shape for Plot 1 and Plot 3, suggesting that the population regenerates continuously. The age-structures of F. rhynchophylla and A. mono in Plot 1 and the test results indicated that they would increase continuously. In Plot 2, the class distribution and the test results showed that all populations would not regenerate continuously.
机译:在北京东灵山的三个温带落叶林中研究了辽东栎,水曲柳和槭树的空间分布和种群动态。在大多数幼苗(≤0.4m),短树苗(0.4-1 m)和高树苗(1-2 m)中出现成簇分布。随机分布在辽东栎的成年人中,在第1地块,在第3地上的假单胞菌。情节1和情节3的辽东Q.的类分布几乎呈倒J形,表明种群不断再生。情节1中的F. rhynchophyllala和A. mono的年龄结构和测试结果表明它们会持续增加。在图2中,类别分布和测试结果表明,所有种群都不会持续再生。



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