首页> 外文期刊>Biodiversity and Conservation >Natural history, biogeography, and endangerment of Hawaiian dry forest trees

Natural history, biogeography, and endangerment of Hawaiian dry forest trees


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We describe the floristic composition of Hawaiian dry forest trees and identify natural history characteristics and biogeographic variables that are associated with risk of endangerment. Hawaiian dry forests are comprised of 109 tree species in 29 families, with 90% of all species endemic, 10% indigenous, and 37% single-island endemics. Forty-five percent of Hawaiian dry forest taxa are at risk of endangerment. Dry forest taxa at risk have a significantly larger range size compared to taxa from other Hawaiian forest types. Dispersal mechanism was a significant predictor of a species occurrence in dry forest compared to other forest types based on logistic regressions clustered by lineage. Among dry forest taxa, hermaphroditic breeding systems, autochorous dispersal mechanisms, conspicuous flowers, and dry fruit were all more likely to be at risk of endangerment. When analyses were clustered by lineage using logistic regressions, only dispersal mechanism and flower size were significant predictors of risk and taxa with autochorous dispersal and conspicuous flowers were more likely to be at risk. The Big Island, Maui, Oahu, and Kauai all have remarkably similar numbers of dry forest taxa (63–65 species) and dry forest taxa at risk of endangerment. However, Big Island and Kauai have the highest number and percentage of single-island endemics. These results demonstrate patterns of endangerment specific to Hawaiian dry forests, the high levels of endangerment in this forest type, and the importance of prioritizing conservation in dry forest regions.



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