首页> 外文期刊>BioControl >Susceptibility of Phyllophaga polyphylla and Anomalacincta larvae to Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae isolates, and the interaction with soil properties

Susceptibility of Phyllophaga polyphylla and Anomalacincta larvae to Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae isolates, and the interaction with soil properties


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The white grub species Phyllophaga polyphylla and Anomala cincta (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae) are economically important species that affect many crops in Mexico. A series of experiments to study the pathogenic interaction between isolates of Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae and these two insect species were undertaken. First, the susceptibility of third instar P. polyphylla larvae to each of seven isolates representing both species of fungus was evaluated by dipping the insects in 1 × 108 conidia ml−1 suspensions. A second study examined the differences in the susceptibility of P. polyphylla and A. cincta larvae to two selected isolates for each of the fungal species. Finally, the susceptibility of A. cincta larvae to one M. anisopliae isolate when incubated in soil collected from four different sites was assessed. No significant differences in proportion of infection of P. polyphylla larvae were observed amongst the fungal isolates tested and mortality due to fungal infection was never greater than 20% after 36 days incubation. Anomala cincta larvae were more susceptible than P. polyphylla larvae, with greater than 90% infection when inoculated with isolates of M. anisopliae whereas mortalities of only 20% where achieved against P. polyphylla larvae. The soil type in which A. cincta were incubated following inoculation with M. anisopliae affected their susceptibility to infection. The results demonstrated that there is a complex interaction amongst entomopathogenic fungi, white grub larvae and soil properties, and points to the need of further investigation of this system in order to optimize the efficacy of entomopathogenic fungi against these insect species.
机译:白色g物种Phyllophaga polyphylla和Anomala cincta(鞘翅目:Melolonthidae)是影响墨西哥许多农作物的重要经济物种。进行了一系列实验以研究球孢白僵菌和金属假单胞菌分离株与这两种昆虫之间的致病性相互作用。首先,通过将昆虫浸入1×10 8 分生孢子ml -1 中,评估第三龄多叶青杨幼虫对代表两种真菌的7种分离株的敏感性。暂停。另一项研究检查了多叶青枯菌和辛辛那提幼虫对每种真菌物种的两个选定分离株的敏感性差异。最后,评估了在从四个不同地点收集的土壤中孵育时,辛辛氏幼虫对一种分离的分枝杆菌的敏感性。在测试的真菌分离物中,未观察到多叶青杨幼虫感染比例的显着差异,并且在培养36天后,由于真菌感染而导致的死亡率从未超过20%。奇异果比C. polyphylla幼虫更容易感染,当接种分离的M. anisopliae时感染率超过90%,而针对P. polyphylla幼虫的死亡率仅为20%。接种无芒分枝杆菌后,在土壤中培养A. cincta会影响其对感染的敏感性。结果表明,昆虫病原真菌,白g幼虫和土壤特性之间存在复杂的相互作用,并指出需要进一步研究该系统,以优化昆虫病原真菌对这些昆虫物种的功效。



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