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A guanine-linked end-effect is a sensitive reporter of charge flow through DNA and RNA double helices


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The property of charge (electron hole) flow in DNA duplexes has been the subject of intensive study. RNA-DNA heteroduplexes have also been investigated; however, little information exists on the conductive properties of purely RNA duplexes. In investigating the relative conductive properties of a three molecule DNA-DNA duplex design, using piperidine and aniline to break strands at modified bases, we observed that duplexes with guanine-rich termini generated a large oxidative end-effect, which could serve as a highly sensitive reporter of charge flow through the duplexes. The end-effect was found faithfully to report attenuations in charge flow due to certain single-base mismatches within a duplex. Comparative charge flow experiments on DNA-DNA and RNA-RNA duplexes found large end-effects from both, suggesting that the A and B family of double helices conduct charge comparably. The sheer magnitude of the end-effect, and its high sensitivity to helical imperfections, suggest that it may be exploited as a sensitive reporter for DNA mismatches, as well as a versatile device for studying the structure, folding, and dynamics of complexly folded RNAs and DNAs.
机译:DNA双链体中电荷(电子空穴)流动的性质一直是深入研究的主题。 RNA-DNA异源双链体也已被研究。然而,关于纯RNA双链体的导电性质的信息很少。在研究三分子DNA-DNA双链体设计的相对导电性能时,使用哌啶和苯胺在修饰的碱基处断裂链,我们观察到富含鸟嘌呤末端的双链体产生了较大的氧化末端效应,可以作为一种高度氧化的末端效应。电荷流过双工的敏感报告者。忠实地发现最终效应可报告由于双链体内某些单基不匹配而导致的电荷流衰减。在DNA-DNA和RNA-RNA双链体上进行的比较电荷流实验发现,两者都有较大的末端效应,这表明A和B系列双螺旋的电荷可比。最终效应的绝​​对程度及其对螺旋缺陷的高度敏感性表明,它可以被用作DNA不匹配的敏感报告基因,并且可以用作研究复杂折叠RNA的结构,折叠和动力学的多功能装置。和DNA。



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