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The key factors of total quality management in the service sector: a cross-cultural study


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Purpose - Literature refers to the key factors of total quality management (TQM) based on studies carried out in individual countries. However, few studies focus on studying the TQM factors in service companies based on multinational data. The purpose of this paper is to empirically identify the key TQM factors and their impact on internal and external customer performance measures across different countries. Design/methodology/approach - The research questions regarding the TQM factors and their effects were examined using a sample of service organisations from three countries (131 from Greece, 70 from Mexico and 151 from Spain). TQM factors and their impact on employee and customer satisfaction were analysed separately for each country. Exploratory factor analyses, coupled with multiple linear regression analyses, were conducted. Findings - The key TQM factors identified are common among the three participating countries and can be summarised as follows: quality practices of top management, process management, employee quality management, customer focus, and employee knowledge and education. The adoption level of these five key factors of TQM varies across service organisations in different countries. The results also confirmed that some of the TQM elements are antecedents of customer- and employee-focused performance. Practical implications - Multinational service organisations may use such an instrument to evaluate TQM implementation among worldwide operations and then benchmark their performance. In addition, an understanding of similarities and differences among countries would help managers around the world to address difficulties of TQM implementation related to the country culture. Originality/value - Previous studies have compared key TQM factors across different countries in manufacturing, but overall, there has been a little attempt in the literature to analyse the adoption of TQM factors among service firms, as well the relationships between quality improvement and performance across different geographical regions.
机译:目的-文献指的是在各个国家进行的研究基础上,全面质量管理(TQM)的关键因素。但是,很少有研究关注基于跨国数据的服务公司中的TQM因素。本文的目的是根据经验确定关键的TQM因素及其对不同国家/地区内部和外部客户绩效指标的影响。设计/方法/方法-使用来自三个国家(希腊的131个,墨西哥的70个和西班牙的151个)的服务组织样本,研究了有关TQM因素及其影响的研究问题。针对每个国家/地区分别分析了TQM因素及其对员工和客户满意度的影响。探索性因素分析与多元线性回归分析相结合。调查结果-确定的关键TQM要素在三个参与国中很常见,可以归纳如下:高层管理人员的质量实践,流程管理,员工质量管理,关注客户以及员工知识和教育。 TQM的这五个关键因素的采用程度因国家/地区的服务组织而异。结果还证实,某些TQM要素是以客户和员工为中心的绩效的先决条件。实际意义-跨国服务组织可以使用这种工具来评估全球运营中的TQM实施,然后对其绩效进行基准测试。此外,了解国家之间的异同将有助于世界各地的管理人员解决与国家文化有关的全面质量管理实施的困难。原创性/价值-先前的研究比较了制造业中不同国家/地区的关键TQM因素,但总的来说,文献中很少尝试分析TQM因素在服务公司中的采用情况以及质量改进与绩效之间的关系。不同的地理区域。



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