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Employee optimism in India: validation of the POSO-E


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Purpose - The purpose of this paper was to validate the short version of personal optimism and self-efficacy optimism scale developed by Gavrilov-Jerkovic et al. (2014) on a sample of 398 employees working in private and public sector organizations in India. Design/methodology/approach - The study needs to test the psychometric properties of the Indian version of scale by using exploratory factor analysis, convergent validity, discriminant validity and confirmatory factor analysis. Findings - The results supported for the two-dimensional factor-structure of optimism in consonance with Gavrilov-Jerkovic et al (2014). Research limitations/implications - The findings will benefit both the management and the employees. Also, the study expands the existing literature on the variable in the Indian context. Originality/value - The work validates and provides a unique instrument to measure the employee optimism that can help the management and the employees to focus on themselves to increase the positivity to provide an innovative and creative environment. Also, the work supplements the existing literature on positive attitude or outcome expectancies and helps in establishing the bi-dimensional nature of the construct of optimism.
机译:目的-本文的目的是验证Gavrilov-Jerkovic等人开发的个人乐观和自我效能感乐观量表的简短版本。 (2014)对印度私营和公共部门组织中398名员工的抽样调查。设计/方法/方法-该研究需要通过探索性因素分析,收敛效度,判别效度和确认性因素分析来测试印度版量表的心理计量学特性。研究结果-结果与Gavrilov-Jerkovic等人(2014)一致,支持了乐观的二维因素结构。研究局限性/含义-研究结果将使管理层和员工受益。同样,该研究扩展了印度语境下有关变量的现有文献。原创性/价值-该工作验证并提供了一种独特的手段来衡量员工的乐观情绪,可以帮助管理层和员工专注于自己,从而增强积极性,从而提供创新和创造的环境。此外,该工作补充了有关积极态度或预期结果的现有文献,并有助于建立乐观主义建构的二维性质。



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