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Trading off between control and autonomy: a narrative review around de-design


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In this work, we provide an overview of contemporary perspectives of design that may challenge the traditional design of IT and socio-technical systems. Our starting metaphor is that of 'wicked problems', where the singularity, incompleteness and intrinsic uncertainty of real world settings foregrounds how the worldview that designers offer to practitioners may be optimal in theory but useless in practice. To go beyond traditional notions of design and designer, we intercepted insights coming from minoritarian voices in both theoretic and practice-based design fields. 'De-design' is a term we coined to encompass this wide spectrum of approaches that make more resilient and sustainable information artifact, de-emphasize design as a theoretical construct, and reconsider practice as the leading principle of digital innovation. This paper is a narrative review of voices in an extensive array of fields: from Information Systems to Human-Computer Interaction, from End-User Development to Critical Design, from Software Design to Design Studies. Our contribution retraces the motivational roots of de-design and tries to characterise de-design by filling relational gaps between disparate approaches and by bringing them back to IT and socio-technical design, to make digital artifacts sustainable in all of the new environmental, organisational and cultural spaces near to come.
机译:在这项工作中,我们提供了当代设计观点的概述,这些观点可能会挑战IT和社会技术系统的传统设计。我们最初的隐喻是“邪恶的问题”,现实世界中的奇异性,不完整性和内在不确定性凸显了设计师向实践者提供的世界观在理论上可能是最优的,但在实践中却毫无用处。为了超越传统的设计和设计师概念,我们在理论和实践设计领域都截取了来自少数派声音的见解。 “ De-design”是我们创造的一个术语,它涵盖了使方法更具弹性和可持续性的人工制品,取消重视设计的理论构架以及重新考虑将实践视为数字创新的主要原则的广泛方法。本文是对语音的叙述性综述,涉及的领域广泛:从信息系统到人机交互,从最终用户开发到关键设计,从软件设计到设计研究。我们的贡献追溯了设计的动机根源,并试图通过填补不同方法之间的关系空白并将它们带回到IT和社会技术设计中来表征设计,以使数字工件在所有新的环境,组织中均可持续发展。和即将到来的文化空间。



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