首页> 外文期刊>Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology >Algal blooms decrease care but increase egg survival in a fish with paternal care

Algal blooms decrease care but increase egg survival in a fish with paternal care


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Human-induced eutrophication, resulting in algal blooms and increased water turbidity, is an alarming problem in aquatic systems. Here, we experimentally tested the impact of algal turbidity on parental care, egg fanning, and time in the nest, in the sand goby, Pomatoschistus minutus, a fish with uniparental male care. We allowed males to care for their eggs in either clear water or water made turbid by planktonic algae. In the early brood cycle, males fanned their eggs less in turbid than in clear water, but this difference disappeared later. Despite decreased care, egg survival was higher in turbid conditions, indicating that early fanning may partly be redundant for egg survival and perhaps used more as courtship. Males also spent more time out of their nest in turbid water, perhaps as a means to encounter additional females under conditions of low visibility.
机译:人为引起的富营养化,导致藻华和水浊度增加,是水生系统中一个令人震惊的问题。在这里,我们通过实验测试了藻类混浊度对父母亲照料,卵扇动和巢中时间的影响,在这种照料中,虾虎鱼Pomatoschistus minutus是一种具有单亲雄性照料的鱼。我们允许雄性用清水或浮游藻类使水变浑浊的水照顾卵。在早期的育雏周期中,雄鱼在浑浊中扇动的卵比在清水中扇动的卵少,但是这种差异后来消失了。尽管照护有所减少,但在浑浊的条件下卵的存活率更高,这表明早期散开扇形对于卵的存活可能是多余的,也许更多地用于求偶。雄性也将更多的时间花在混浊的水中,这可能是在能见度较低的情况下与其他雌性相遇的一种方式。



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