首页> 外文期刊>Bandung: Journal of the Global South >Disability-inclusive electoral systems: analyzing the Philippine electoral policy using the disability convention (DisCo) policy framework

Disability-inclusive electoral systems: analyzing the Philippine electoral policy using the disability convention (DisCo) policy framework


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For more than a century now, the Philippines has been at the forefront of democracy in the Southeast Asian region. Since the early 1990s, the country has sought to institutionalize democratic processes, which aim to meaningfully engage Filipinos in the public and political spheres. In line with its efforts of strengthening its electoral systems, it has also taken a leading role in the region in promoting and protecting the rights of voters with disabilities by becoming one of the first States Parties to ratify the United Nations convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD). A key provision of the UNCRPD is affording voters with disabilities the equal opportunity to engage in every electoral process on an equal basis with other abled-bodied voters. However, in spite of recent developments, the Philippines has yet to effectively implement disability-inclusive electoral policies and processes that would not only engage able-bodied Filipino voters but also one of the country’s largest minority community—Filipino voters with disabilities. This paper examines the effectiveness of the Philippine government in ensuring that Filipino voters with disabilities are guaranteed with and are able to exercise their right to suffrage. Using a mixed method approach and the disability convention (DisCo) policy framework, this research evaluates the content of existing legislative measures relating to the country’s electoral system, the corresponding executive and budgetary support to implement electoral laws and policies for Filipino voters with disabilities, the administrative and coordinating capacity of implementing electoral agencies, the prevailing attitude of the society towards Filipino voters with disabilities, and the degree of participation of Filipino voters with disabilities in the development of Philippine electoral laws and policies.
机译:超过一个世纪以来,菲律宾一直处于东南亚地区民主的最前沿。自1990年代初以来,该国一直在努力使民主进程制度化,其目的是使菲律宾人切实参与公共和政治领域。根据其加强选举制度的努力,它还成为该区域最早批准《联合国人权利公约》的缔约国之一,在该地区促进和保护残疾人选民的权利方面发挥了领导作用。残障人士(UNCRPD)。 《联合国残疾人权利公约》的一项重要规定是为残疾选民提供与其他健全选民平等地参与每个选举程序的平等机会。但是,尽管有最近的事态发展,菲律宾仍未有效实施包容残疾的选举政策和程序,这不仅会吸引身体健全的菲律宾选民,而且会成为该国最大的少数族裔社区之一-菲律宾残疾人选民。本文研究了菲律宾政府在确保菲律宾残疾人选民获得并能够行使其选举权方面的有效性。本研究使用混合方法和残疾人公约(DisCo)政策框架,评估了与该国选举制度有关的现行立法措施的内容,为实施菲律宾残疾人选民选举法和政策提供的相应行政和预算支持,执行选举机构的行政和协调能力,社会对菲律宾残疾人选民的普遍态度以及菲律宾残疾人选民参与菲律宾选举法律和政策发展的程度。



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