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Pathways to earned-security: The role of alternative support figures


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This study explored the kinds of relationship experiences associated with earned-security, i.e., the extent to which mothers who report early negative relationship histories with their parents are later able to form a secure working model of attachment (indicated by the ability to speak clearly and coherently about these histories). Mothers from a low-risk sample (N = 121) expecting their first child completed the Adult Attachment Interview (AAI), which was used to assess earned-security retrospectively using the stringent definition recommended by Main and Hesse (Hesse, 200811. Hesse, E. 2008. “The Adult Attachment Interview: Protocol, method of analysis, and empirical studies”. In The handbook of attachment: Theory, research and clinical applications , Edited by: Cassidy, J. and Shaver, P. R. 552-598. New York, NY: The Guilford Press. View all references; Main, Goldwyn, & Hesse, 200212. Main, M., Goldwyn, R. and Hesse, E. 2002/2008. Adult attachment scoring and classification system , Unpublished scoring manual, University of California at Berkeley. View all references), as well as to identify alternative support figures. Participants also completed self-report measures of depressive symptomatology, questionnaires concerning their experiences in therapy, and later, when their babies were 12 to 15 months old, the Strange Situation procedure. Sixteen mothers were classified as earned-secure (25% of those classified as secure-autonomous and 13% of the whole sample). Women who were earned-secure (vs. insecure and continuous-secure) reported significantly higher levels of emotional support, but not instrumental support, from alternative support figures. They also spent more time in therapy than did insecure and continuous-secure women and were more likely to form secure attachments with their infants than insecure women. These findings were obtained even after controlling for depressive symptoms.View full textDownload full textKeywordsearned-secure AAI status, adversity, attachment security, continuous-secureRelated var addthis_config = { ui_cobrand: "Taylor & Francis Online", services_compact: "citeulike,netvibes,twitter,technorati,delicious,linkedin,facebook,stumbleupon,digg,google,more", pubid: "ra-4dff56cd6bb1830b" }; Add to shortlist Link Permalink http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14616734.2011.584405
机译:这项研究探索了与获得安全感相关的各种关系经历,即,与父母报告早期负面关系历史的母亲后来能够形成安全的依恋工作模式的程度(通过清晰的语言表达能力和有关这些历史的信息)。来自低风险样本的母亲(N = 121)预计他们的第一个孩子完成了成人依恋面试(AAI),使用Main和Hesse(Hesse,200811.推荐的严格定义)回顾性评估了获得的安全性。 ,E. 2008.“成人依恋面试:方案,分析方法和实证研究”,在《依恋手册:理论,研究和临床应用》中,编辑者:Cassidy,J.和Shaver,PR 552 -598。纽约,纽约:吉尔福德出版社;查看所有参考文献; Main,Goldwyn和Hesse,200212; Main,M.,Goldwyn,R。和Hesse,E。2002/2008。成人依恋评分和分类系统,加州大学伯克利分校未出版的评分手册,查看所有参考文献),以及确定其他支持数据。参与者还完成了抑郁症状的自我报告测量,有关其治疗经验的问卷调查,随后,当他们的婴儿12至15个月大时,采取了“处境异常”程序。有16名母亲被确定为有收入的母亲(有25%的母亲属于有自主权的母亲,有13%属于整个样本)。获得安全保障的妇女(相对于没有安全保障和持续安全保障的妇女)的情绪支持水平要高得多,而其他支持指标则没有工具支持。与没有安全感和持续安全感的女性相比,她们在治疗上花费的时间也更多,并且与没有安全感的女性相比,她们更容易与婴儿形成牢固的依恋关系。这些发现甚至在控制了抑郁症状后也获得了。查看全文下载全文关键字获得的安全AAI状态,逆境,附件安全,持续安全相关的var addthis_config = {ui_cobrand:“ Taylor&Francis Online”,services_compact:“ citeulike,netvibes,twitter ,technorati,可口,linkedin,facebook,stumbleupon,digg,google,更多”,发布号:“ ra-4dff56cd6bb1830b”};添加到候选列表链接永久链接http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14616734.2011.584405



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