首页> 外文期刊>Atlantic journal of communication >Beyond the differential gains model: the effects of authoritarian orientation, social media use, and political discussion on political participation in Taiwan and South Korea

Beyond the differential gains model: the effects of authoritarian orientation, social media use, and political discussion on political participation in Taiwan and South Korea


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In an attempt to investigate the roles of authoritarian orientation, social media use, and political discussion in shaping political participation in transitional democracies, this study analyzes nationwide surveys (N = 1,637; N = 1,200) from two third-wave democracies: Taiwan and South Korea, within the theoretical framework of the Differential Gains Model (DGM).The hierarchical regression indicated that in both societies, the effects of social media use and political discussion were positively associated with political participation; authoritarian orientation was only negatively associated with political participation in Taiwan. No significant moderation effects of the two communication variables emerged, whereas a significant-moderated moderation effect among the three predictors emerged in South Korea. This study extends the existing literature on DGM in three ways. First, it optimizes the conventional DGM through incorporating a new ideological variable - authoritarian orientation; second, it buttresses previous findings but also reveals results that were at odds with the extant body of knowledge; third, it bridges the gap of single contextualization by extending the DGM research to the non-Western democracies.
机译:为了试图调查专制导向,社交媒体使用和政治讨论在塑造转型民主党的政治参与方面的作用,本研究分析了来自两名三波兰民主党人的全国调查(n = 1,637; n = 1,200):台湾和南方韩国在差分收益模型(DGM)的理论框架内。分层回归表明,在两个社会中,社交媒体使用和政治讨论的影响与政治参与有关;尊敬的导向与台湾的政治参与有关。出现了两个通信变量的显着促进效果,而在韩国出现的三个预测因子中的显着调节效果。本研究以三种方式扩展了DGM的现有文献。首先,它通过结合新的思想可自动吉语定位来优化传统的DGM;其次,它抵抗以前的调查结果,但也揭示了与现存知识体系的结果;第三,它通过将DGM研究扩展到非西方民主国家来说,弥补了单一情境化的差距。


  • 来源
    《Atlantic journal of communication》 |2020年第5期|241-256|共16页
  • 作者

    Yan Su; Xizhu Xiao;

  • 作者单位

    Edward R. Murrow College of Communication Washington State University Pullman WA USA;

    Edward R. Murrow College of Communication Washington State University Pullman WA USA;

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