首页> 外文期刊>Astrophysics and Space Science >Arbitrary amplitude dust acoustic solitary waves in an electron-depleted dusty plasma with two high energy-tail ion distributions

Arbitrary amplitude dust acoustic solitary waves in an electron-depleted dusty plasma with two high energy-tail ion distributions


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Arbitrary amplitude dust acoustic waves (DAW’s) in two high energy-tail ion distributions are investigated. The electron number density has been assumed sufficiently depleted during the charging of the dust grains, on account of the attachment of the background plasma electrons on the surface of the dust grains. Our results reveal that under certain conditions, DA solitary waves with either negative or positive potential may be admitted. The high degree of suprathermalization of the relatively low temperature ion component favors the development of compressive localized structures. This behavior is preserved to a large extent in the small but finite amplitude regime. This means that the presence of additional relatively low temperature suprathermal ions does not only significantly modify the basic properties of DA structures, but also causes the existence of positive solitary potentials. This feature is completely new in a dusty plasma with two suprathermal ion components with widely disparate temperatures. Our results may be relevant to a number of space dusty plasma systems, particularly, the Saturn’s F-ring where electron depletion and suprathermality are thought to come into play.



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