首页> 外文期刊>The Astrophysical journal >Kinematic treatment of coronal mass ejection evolution in the solar wind

Kinematic treatment of coronal mass ejection evolution in the solar wind


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We present a kinematic study of the evolution of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) in the solar wind. Specifically, we consider the effects of (1) spherical expansion and (2) uniform expansion due to pressure gradients between the interplanetary CME (ICME) and the ambient solar wind. We compare these results with an MHD model that allows us to isolate these effects from the combined kinematic and dynamical effects, which are included in MHD models. They also provide compelling evidence that the fundamental cross section of so-called "force-free" flux ropes (or magnetic clouds) is neither circular or elliptical, but rather a convex-outward, "pancake" shape. We apply a force-free fit to the magnetic vectors from the MHD simulation to assess how the distortion of the flux rope affects the fit. In spite of these limitations, force-free fits, which are straightforward to apply, do provide an important description of a number of parameters, including the radial dimension, orientation, and chirality of the ICME. [References: 32]
机译:我们提出了在太阳风中日冕物质抛射(CME)演变的运动学研究。具体而言,我们考虑了由于行星际CME(ICME)与周围太阳风之间的压力梯度而导致的(1)球形膨胀和(2)均匀膨胀的影响。我们将这些结果与MHD模型进行比较,该模型使我们能够将这些影响与MHD模型中包含的运动和动力组合影响隔离开来。它们还提供了令人信服的证据,即所谓的“无力”磁通绳(或磁云)的基本横截面既不是圆形也不是椭圆形,而是向外凸出的“薄煎饼”形状。我们对MHD仿真中的磁矢量应用了无力拟合,以评估磁通绳的变形如何影响拟合。尽管有这些限制,但易于应用的无力配合确实提供了许多参数的重要描述,包括ICME的径向尺寸,方向和手性。 [参考:32]



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