首页> 外文期刊>The Astrophysical journal >Clustering Of Dust-obscured Galaxies At Z ~ 2

Clustering Of Dust-obscured Galaxies At Z ~ 2


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We present the angular autocorrelation function of 2603 dust-obscured galaxies (DOGs) in the Booetes field of the NOAO Deep Wide-Field Survey. DOGs are red, obscured galaxies, denned as having R - [24] ≥ 14 (F_(24)/F_R approx > 1000). Spectroscopy indicates that they are located at 1.5 approx < z approx < 2.5. We find strong clustering, with r_0 = 7.40_(0.84)~(+1.27) h~(-1) Mpc for the full F_(24) > 0.3 mJy sample. The clustering and space density of the DOGs are consistent with those of submillimeter galaxies, suggestive of a connection between these populations. We find evidence for luminosity-dependent clustering, with the correlation length increasing to r_0 = 12.97_(-2.64)~(+4.26) h~(-1) Mpc for brighter (F_(24) > 0.6 mJy) DOGs. Bright DOGs also reside in richer environments than fainter ones, suggesting these subsamples may not be drawn from the same parent population. The clustering amplitudes imply average halo masses of log M = 12.2_(0.2)~(+0.3) M_☉ for the full DOG sample, rising to log M = 13.0_(-0.3)~(+0.4) M_☉ for brighter DOGs. In a biased structure formation scenario, the full DOG sample will, on average, evolve into ~3L_*, present-day galaxies, whereas the most luminous DOGs may evolve into brightest cluster galaxies.
机译:我们在NOAO深广域测量的Booetes场中展示了2603个尘埃模糊星系(DOG)的角度自相关函数。狗是红色的,模糊的星系,定义为R-[24]≥14(F_(24)/ F_R大约> 1000)。光谱表明它们位于1.5约<z约<2.5。我们发现强聚类,对于完整的F_(24)> 0.3 mJy样本,r_0 = 7.40_(0.84)〜(+1.27)h〜(-1)Mpc。 DOG的聚类和空间密度与亚毫米星系的聚类和空间密度一致,表明这些种群之间存在联系。我们找到了依赖于光度的聚类的证据,相关长度增加到r_0 = 12.97 _(-2.64)〜(+4.26)h〜(-1)Mpc,以获得更明亮的(F_(24)> 0.6 mJy)DOG。明亮的DOG还比较暗的DOG居住在更丰富的环境中,这表明这些子样本可能并非来自同一父本种群。聚类振幅意味着完整DOG样本的平均晕质量为log M = 12.2_(0.2)〜(+0.3)M_☉,对于较亮的DOG,上升至log M = 13.0 _(-0.3)〜(+0.4)M_☉ 。在有偏差的结构形成情况下,完整的DOG样本平均将演变为现今的〜3L_ *星系,而发光程度最高的DOG则可能演变为最亮的星团。



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