首页> 外文期刊>The Astrophysical journal >Passive Evolution Of Galaxy Clustering

Passive Evolution Of Galaxy Clustering


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We present a numerical study of the evolution of galaxy clustering when galaxies flow passively from high red-shift, respecting the continuity equation throughout. While passive flow is a special case of galaxy evolution, it allows a well-defined study of galaxy ancestry and serves as an interesting limit to be compared to nonpassive cases. We use dissipationless jV-body simulations, assign galaxies to massive halos at z = 1 and 2 using various halo occupation distribution (HOD) models, and trace these galaxy particles to lower redshift while conserving their number. We find that passive flow results in an asymptotic convergence at low redshift in the HOD and in galaxy clustering on scales above ~3 h~(-1) Mpc for a wide range of initial HODs. As galaxies become less biased with respect to mass asymptotically with time, the HOD parameters evolve such that M_1/M_(min) decreases while α converges toward unity, where = exp(-M_(min)/M)[1+ (M/M_1)~α]. The satellite populations converge toward the Poisson distribution at low redshift. The convergence is robust for different number densities and is enhanced when galaxies evolve from higher redshift. We compare our results with the observed luminous red galaxy (LRG) sample from SDSS that has the same number density. We claim that if LRGs have experienced a strict passive flow, their should be close to a power law with an index of unity in halo mass. Discrepancies could be due to dry galaxy merging or new members arising between the initial and the final redshifts. The spatial distribution of passively flowing galaxies within halos appears on average more concentrated than the halo mass profile at low redshift. The evolution of bias for passively flowing galaxies is consistent with linear bias evolution on quasi-linear as well as large scales.
机译:我们提出了一个数值研究,当星系从高红移被动地流动时,星系聚类的演化,同时始终遵循连续性方程。虽然被动流动是星系演化的特例,但它允许对星系祖先进行明确定义的研究,并且可以作为与非被动情况相比的有趣限制。我们使用无耗散的jV体模拟,使用各种光环占用分布(HOD)模型将z = 1和2的大型光环分配给星系,并跟踪这些星系粒子以降低红移,同时保留其数量。我们发现,在很宽的初始HOD范围内,被动流动导致HOD的低红移和星系聚类的渐近收敛,规模超过〜3 h〜(-1)Mpc。随着星系相对于质量的渐近性逐渐减小,HOD参数不断演变,使得M_1 / M_(min)减小,而α趋向于1,其中 = exp(-M_(min)/ M) [1+(M / M_1)〜α]。卫星总数以低红移向Poisson分布收敛。对于不同的数字密度,会聚是鲁棒的,当星系从更高的红移演变而来时,会聚会增强。我们将结果与SDSS观测到的具有相同数字密度的发光红色星系(LRG)样本进行比较。我们声称,如果LRG经历了严格的被动流动,则它们的应该接近于光晕质量的单位幂指数。差异可能是由于干星系合并或在初始和最终红移之间出现了新成员。光晕内被动流动星系的空间分布平均而言比低红移下的光晕质量分布更集中。被动流动星系的偏差演化与准线性以及大尺度的线性偏差演化一致。



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