首页> 外文期刊>Asian journal of water, environment and pollution >Appraisal and Impact of Paper Mill Effluent on Crop Growth and Soil Properties

Appraisal and Impact of Paper Mill Effluent on Crop Growth and Soil Properties


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With growing competition for water in different sectors, utilization of effluent water in agriculture is imperative. Paper mill effluent could be used in this sector as the effluents were found to be neutral, low saline and contained Na, Ca, Mg, Fe, F~-, B, Cl~-, SO_4~(2-), NO_3~-, CO_3~(2-) and HCO_3~- ions at low to moderate concentrations. Irrigation by Emami paper mill effluent at different dilutions with fresh water had improved crops' yield attributes. No adverse impact on crop nutrients' uptake or soil properties was noticed. These depict that >60 to≤ 80% dilutions of (Emami) paper mill effluent with fresh water is optimal for proper growth of blackgram and maize, >20% for greengram and ≤ 60% for rice and sunflower grown on acidic laterite soil in pots. Thus the study reveals that paper mill effluent holds promise for use in irrigation if diluted to levels within the acceptable limit of crops.
机译:随着不同部门对水的竞争日益激烈,农业废水的利用势在必行。造纸废水可用于该领域,因为发现废水为中性,低盐分且含有Na,Ca,Mg,Fe,F〜-,B,Cl〜-,SO_4〜(2-),NO_3〜-中低浓度的CO_3〜(2-)和HCO_3〜-离子。用Emami造纸厂的废水以不同的稀释度用淡水灌溉提高了农作物的产量。没有发现对作物养分吸收或土壤特性的不利影响。这些结果表明,用鲜水将(Emami)造纸厂废水的稀释度> 60至≤80%,对于在花盆中酸性红土土壤上生长的黑麦和玉米适当生长,绿豆> 20%以及水稻和向日葵≤60%是最佳的。 。因此,研究表明,如果将造纸厂的废水稀释到农作物可接受的限度内,则有望用于灌溉。



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