首页> 外文期刊>Asia Pacific journal of management >Same but different? Similarities and fundamental differences of informal social networks in China (guanxi) and Korea (yongo)

Same but different? Similarities and fundamental differences of informal social networks in China (guanxi) and Korea (yongo)


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This research reports on the similarities and distinctive differences between informal social networks in China (guanxi) and Korea (yongo). Within an analytical framework derived from social capital and institutional theory, the structural forms and characteristics of both network forms are compared. Although we observe some similarities, surprisingly, the two networks show several fundamental differences. Both are society-spanning constructs, developed and maintained by reciprocal action that creates trust and trustworthiness, and serve as a major factor in network cohesion. Both networks are relatively closed or inaccessible to outsiders, with insiders able to connect other insiders to each other (i.e., internal bridging of structural holes). However, guanxi can be characterized as being utilitarian (purpose-based), whereas yongo in principle describes cause-based ties. Furthermore, guanxi networks are somewhat accessible to outsiders and draw on a diverse base of ties; yongo networks are predefined, partly by birth, and are hence homogeneous and highly exclusive. Guanxi networks can benefit from spillover effects through bridging different networks; yongo networks often cannot, as there is antipathy, competition, and potential hostility between certain types of networks. The results add knowledge to social network theory in general and in particular on informal social networks in East Asia.
机译:这项研究报告了中国(关系)和韩国(yongo)之间非正式社交网络的异同。在源自社会资本和制度理论的分析框架内,比较了两种网络形式的结构形式和特征。尽管我们观察到一些相似之处,但令人惊讶的是,这两个网络显示出一些基本差异。两者都是跨越社会的结构,由产生信任和信赖的对等行动开发和维护,并且是网络凝聚力的主要因素。这两个网络都相对封闭或无法被外部人访问,内部人能够将其他内部人彼此连接(即,结构孔的内部桥接)。但是,关系可以被描述为功利主义(基于目的),而yongo原则上描述了基于原因的联系。此外,外来关系在某种程度上可以访问外地网络,并利用了各种各样的联系基础。 yongo网络是预先定义的,部分是通过出生而定义的,因此是同质的,并且高度排斥。关系网络可以通过桥接不同网络而受益于溢出效应;由于某些类型的网络之间存在反感,竞争和潜在的敌意,因此yongo网络通常无法做到。这些结果为一般的社会网络理论增加了知识,尤其是在东亚的非正式社会网络中。



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